Good feelings

It is a mistake to think that NLP is about peak experience. NLP is about feeling good for most of the time.

It is not the strength, but the duration of high feelings that makes great men.

Beyond Good & Evil paragraph 72

Lofty Moods. — It seems to me that most men do not believe in lofty moods, unless it be for the moment, or at the most for a quarter of an hour, — except the few who know by experience a longer duration of high feeling. But to be absolutely a man with a single lofty feeling, the incarnation of a single lofty mood — that has hitherto been only a dream and an enchanting possibility: history does not yet give us any trustworthy example of it. Nevertheless one might also some day produce such men — when a multitude of favorable conditions have been created and established, which at present even the happiest chance is unable to throw together. Perhaps that very state which has hitherto entered into our soul as an exception, felt with horror now and then, may be the usual condition of those future souls: a continuous movement between high and low, and the feeling of high and low, a constant state of mounting as on steps, and at the same time reposing as on clouds.

Gay Science paragraph 288

Having much joy. – He who has much joy in his life must be a good man: but he is perhaps not the cleverest, even though he has attained precisely that which the cleverest man strives after with all his cleverness.

Human, All Too Human, part 2, paragraph 48


NLP is all about feelings, especially good feelings. Although it is nice to think positively, to have wonderful mental imagery and constructive inner self talk, if you don’t feel good at the same time it is useless. Or the other way around: if you feel good, it doesn’t matter whether your inner self talk is negative or your mental imagery not positive. What matters is how you feel.

There must have been thinking long before there were eyes: ‘lines and shapes’ were thus not originally given. Instead, thinking has longest been based on the sense of touch: yet this, if it is not supported by the eyes,only teaches degrees of pressure, not shapes. Thus, before we started practicing our understanding of the world as moving shapes, there was a time when the world was ‘grasped’ as changing sensations of pressure of various degrees. There is no doubt that we can think in pictures, in sounds: but we can also think in sensations of pressure. Comparison in respect to their strength and direction and sequence, memory, etc.

Notebook 40, August – September 1885 paragraph 28